Noise Impact Assessment Wolverhampton

Service Overview

Are you looking for advanced and dedicated noise impact assessment services in Wolverhampton?


Broodbakker Acoustic Consultants Limited has been offering professional industrial, commercial, environmental, and residential noise assessment services based on our experience of noise impact assessment for nearly two decades.


Noise impact assessments are required for anyone planning a residential dwelling or commercial building development project that could generate noise and impact surrounding residents and businesses. Before the local authorities are minded to grant planning permission to proceed with your development project, they’ll want to see specific noise assessments and potentially and noise reduction/mitigation strategies to ensure the proposed development avoids signifanct adverse effects, reduces any adverse impacts to a minimum and, where possible, contributes to improvements in health and quality of life from noise. That way, we can ensure compliance with national planning policy and noise objectives and reduce the likelihood of any potential future statutory or private nuisance claims.


We will look for the following types of noise generation sources on a property and within the surrounding environment:


·    Lots of people and crowds e.g. beer garden, skate parks, multi use games areas

·    Animals e.g. dog boarding establishments

·    Machinery movement and operations e.g. recycling sites

·    Construction workers and operations

·    Vehicle movement and traffic

·    Aircraft flying and landing

·    Industrial activities e.g. manufacturing


Our noise impact assessors will look for all these noise generation sources on your immediate property. If we find any of them present, we will include their level of potential impact in our comprehensive report. Our assessors try to be as critical as possible so that you receive the most realistic and accurate noise impact assessment information.


Broodbakker Acoustic Consultants Limited apply relevant British Standards and codes of practice, such as the Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005.


Call us at 07766 315 322 or email us at to learn more about our fast and efficient noise impact assessment services in Wolves.

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